Monday, August 1, 2016

The Key of Simplicity

     I remember taking a psychology class and feeling like every mental illness had some attribute I could sign off on. In reality, I think I just wanted to add more to my personal resume of character, and seem more interesting. Of course, I was also young and immature. No one really wants to be bipolar; it’s a terrible illness and I was ignorant in thinking that talking all time meant I was manic. I was just a bubbly teenager.

     However, many of us are quick to think the worst when either we read or hear about some ailment, or we start to have strange conditions outside of our normal body or mind feelings.  Yes, sometimes there is something seriously wrong, but more often than not we ate something that didn’t agree with us, our body changed and became indifferent or intolerant, or we’re just tired and overwhelmed and that stress is causing physical discomfort. Sometimes it’s just a simple problem with a “simple” fix.

     Below are some ailments I’ve had that weren’t all that easy to configure, but when I did, the answers were surprisingly simple.

Overactive bladder:

     For a long stretch of time, I seriously contemplated falling asleep on the toilet with a pillow against the wall. I was waking up anywhere from 8 to 15 times a night just to pee. Doctors tested me for an array of ailments: cancer, diabetes, infection. They couldn’t find anything wrong, and I was told it most likely all in my head.

     Upon hearing that, I decided meditation would help. And to be honest, it mostly aided in me accepting my situation instead of solving it. Hence, I was like calm but steady rain-cloud in Seattle, with no drought in sight.

     So I explored other solutions. I ate raisins, I took vitamin supplements, I elevated my legs. Eventually I came across information that certain foods have acid which causes an overactive bladder. So I started taking Prelief with my food. After a few days, my bladder was finally back to normal. I also experienced less abdominal pain. 

Abdominal pain:

     When my dad’s appendix burst, I was terrified. It was the first time I had ever heard him cry, and I remember feeling a heaviness claw at me in the room he was stationed in. I will forever remember this. I will also forever assume my appendix is about to rupture whenever I have abdominal pain. However, after two trips to the hospital I’ve come to believing that the abdominal area has many other conditions that can cause pain.

     The most recent trip I was told I had an ovarian cyst rupture. Just hearing the word made me cringe. Hearing that something has ruptured inside your body doesn’t exactly elicit a sense of calmness. However, the doctor told me that ovarian cysts are very common to form and most women will experience at least one rupturing in their lifetime. This made me feel less crazy, but momentarily annoyed at the wonders of being a woman.

     Other even simpler causes of abdominal pain I’ve noticed have stemmed largely from my diet or a sore back. In these cases, it typically only last a few hours and if I drink some dandelion root tea or incorporate some yoga in my day, I notice the problem ceases more quickly. It’s also really critical to stay hydrated. Think about a river for a minute. Now picture a swamp. Which looks (and smells) nicer? If you’re like me, it’s the river. Now think of your insides. Wouldn’t it be better to have enough water to encourage everything to flow naturally than for everything to become heavy and immobile? Another reason to stay hydrated is to prevent headaches. 


     As a massage therapist, a lot of my clients will explain they have frequent headaches. While I do believe checking in with your doctor can be beneficial, I also think it’s important to hold yourself accountable. A lot of times, neck/shoulder pain, being dehydrated, and stress can also accumulate to one or more awful headaches.

     Neck and shoulder pain are common in today’s society. We’re so distracted by our computers and smartphones, we don’t realize how our bodies are positioned until our muscles scream at us. One easy way to fix this is to take a break and roll your shoulders back and forth and then separately rotate your neck from side to side. Another easy fix is to stand when using your computer, making sure it’s at an appropriate height for personal comfort. That way, your neck isn’t straining and you’re standing, which we’ve been hearing is healthier to do anyways! Double kudos!
Photo taken by Daniel Nilsson

     To bring that to triple kudos, sip on some water. According to, dehydration causes the brain to lose water and then shrink, which encourages pulling on neighboring pain receptors. There is also thought that the blood vessels connecting and going through the brain will constrict with dehydration. This decreases oxygen to the brain and can affect a person’s mental capabilities. These actions can inadvertently result in a debilitating headache.

     So next time, before you subconsciously pop an Advil, take a minute, get some water, maybe close your eyes and take some deep breathes. Decrease your stress, which could also be another culprit of an achy head.

      In my opinion, stressors are like condiments. While it’s okay to have some stress in your life, in order to ‘ketchup’ on your goals so you can ‘relish’ in your accomplishments, you don’t want to overdo it. Having too many condiments on one food item is like having too many stressors on your 1mind: it just becomes unrecognizable gunk. So check in with yourself. Some people benefit from making lists, or scheduling time just for themselves.

     I learned this the hard way, but doing too much only results in personal pain and social setbacks. It’s better to be really good at a few things that you can really devote time and energy to, than to be okay at a lot of things which will consequently not matter when you miss important meetings or deadlines.
And then that stress will only cause more problems.

      Ultimately, stress can heighten an issue. The approach you take to your body in discomfort is critical to not only the treatment, but most importantly the outcome of your condition. For myself, I’ve found a lot of the time if I’m anxious about my body reacting weirdly, I’m much more worried it’s something fatal or life-changing.

     If however, I take the time to evaluate and reflect back on prior activities such as eating something different, or exercising more than normal, or not sleeping well, I’m much calmer when I consider that maybe my body just needs to rest and catch up. I’m not discouraging medical advice. I think it’s critical to consider a visit to the hospital if your conditions cannot be explained or you’re really freaked out. Obviously that’s nothing to be ashamed of, even if it’s just really painful gas. However, based my own hypochondriac actions, I know that sometimes simple is better, and far less expensive. 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Conquering the Comparisons

     We’ve all been there: anxiously scanning the room with wide eyes only to feel small and defeated by others. I’m not talking about being intoxicated in any way, but rather about how we rank ourselves mercilessly against all odds. Being on the tipping edge of this is not a conductive manner to live by.

Here are some ways to overcome it:

Asking yourself why:

     Have you ever encountered a five-year-old who has to know the answer to everything, which means s/he asks why at least 25 times, if not more? While this might be very annoying in that situation, it’s that annoyance that is beneficial to someone who asks themselves why in response to negative thoughts. For example, imagine this certain conversation between the negative and positive personality of a person (side note, it’s not crazy to talk to yourself if you remain the same person throughout the entire conversation):

NEGATIVE: My arms never look as good as Joe's.
POSITIVE: But why?
NEGATIVE: His are more toned.
POSITIVE: But why?
NEGATIVE: Well he lifts weights and goes to the gym four times a week.
POSITIVE: But why?
NEGATIVE: To stay in shape.
POSTIIVE: But why?
NEGATIVE: So he’ll be healthy and look good.
POSITIVE: What’s stopping me from doing that?

This then leads to the next point:
Focusing on what your good attributes are

     Instead of wasting time looking for ways to be like someone else, it’s easier and healthier to just focus on what you already have to offer. I have a friend who used to wake up at 5 a.m. just to straighten her beautiful curls away. In addition to sacrificing an hour or more of sleep, she was also causing damage to her hair and wallet by buying products to reduce the harm of the heat. Nowadays she wears her hair natural more often than not and still turns heads, if not more than before.

Lastly, it’s important to:

Look for the beauty in others

     Comparing yourself against others is a very selfish act, even when it’s disguised with self-pity. And self-pity is never a good thing to have even a little of. One of the best ways to diminish a bad habit is to distract yourself from it. Start simple, look for something beautiful in every person already know. Then expand it. Notice your grocery cashier with the
beautiful red hair, the guy in front of you at the bank with the sparkling blue eyes, the old man with the friendliest smile. Soon it'll become a new habit of acknowledgement than one of comparison.  Also, if you can find the beauty in strangers, you can find the beauty in yourself.

     When I was in middle school, I would write I am pretty on the butt of my underwear and if I didn’t happen to wear a pair of these underwear, I’d feel ugly all day, jealous of the girls with silky, straight hair and perfect, pearly smiles. Sometimes what we really need to do is remember what makes us beautiful in our own way; it's not always about looks. Yes, that’s the first attribute you see in a person, but I know plenty of “beautiful” people who have become uglier in my eyes based on their personality. I also know plenty of “average” people who upon getting to know them better, I found myself attracted to them more and more.

     It’s been said that it’s what’s on the inside that counts. That is true, but the better you understand that for yourself, the better it will be reflected on the outside for others to see. And that, is truly beautiful. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

It's time to A-C-T with A-C-V!!!!

     No, I didn’t buy a new car and I’m not a cheerleader for some football team you’ve never heard of, but I AM a cheerleader for Apple Cider Vinegar. Although the smell is pungent and the liquid is frothy with wisps of the mother floating around, I still love this stuff. I love it so much, I’ve probably upped the sales and should invest in Braggs just to make the money back I've spent on the stuff. However in my mind, I’m really saving money because I’m living healthier and hopefully will have less medical bills in the long run!

Here’s how:

Hair Rinse

     A little over a year ago I tried the no-poo method. This meant using baking soda and apple cider vinegar to clean and moisturize my hair. Needless to say, it didn’t work. But upon doing some further research, I learned of applying ACV after shampoo and conditioner in order to decrease product build-up. Here’s what I noticed:


Shinier hair
Stings eyes, so close them!
Less greasy hair
Smells for a few hours afterwards
More natural curl and volume

More apparent highlights

Here’s what to do:

1. Mix 1/3 ACV to 2/3 water in a cup. 
2. After shampooing and conditioning, pour the contents first on your scalp, then the rest of your hair. 3. Try to use sparingly and close your eyes!


    Growing up I had some really awful bouts of acne. I tried many medicated face washes as well as old wives tale methods such as leaving toothpaste on a zit while I slept. None of these techniques really worked. The main reason was that I was actually drying out my skin too much, which made my body produce more oil and that oil mixed with the dirt on my fingers to apply cover-up equated more and more zits.

     My parents' habit of honoring holistic remedies proved to work well for me when they insisted I just try simpler ingredients. My dad taught me a new word, astringent, since that’s what ACV is. This means that ACV pulls out dirt from the skin. However I learned the stinky way that I would have to rinse and then moisturize my skin after applying the ACV since it left my face puckered and strong smelling. So I started using first olive oil, since it was what was in the cupboards.

    Now I use coconut oil. I like the smell a lot more. I also don’t use ACV every day for a couple of reasons. Primarily, I don’t feel like I need to. Secondly, it takes more time and sometimes I’m just too busy in the morning or tired in the evening. Lastly, it can get expensive as can anything.

Here’s what to do:

1. Wash your face normally.
2. Dampen a washcloth and apply some ACV.
3. Breeze washcloth over the face.
4. Rinse off.
5. Moisturize (this is important, so don't neglect!).

Stomach Problems

     Shakespeare once wrote in his play As you like it: "Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing?"
I have that problem, I desire too much cheesecake, too much pasta, too much food in general. And it's not just my scale feeling the shift, my stomach rumbles in regret!  

    Luckily (and when I remember), I’ve found that drinking water mixed with apple cider vinegar can help not only help aid digestion but can also contribute to better portion control. In addition, according to research found from, 'Numerous other studies, in both rats and humans, show that vinegar can increase insulin sensitivity and significantly lower blood sugar responses during meals.' 

    Here’s their link which gives even more reasons ACV rocks! :

Here’s what to do:

     I’ll be honest, I don’t drink apple cider vinegar every day. But when I do get the chance to, I usually mix it with a ratio of 1/4 ACV to 3/4 water. You can always add more water or even honey for taste. I don’t drink it before I eat because then I feel sick, but I do drink it either with or after my meal.

Smash that Rash 

     I am one of these people who is definitely allergic to poison ivy. No question about it. But I am also one of these people who know that while it can be smelly, applying apple cider vinegar topically over the affected area can help reduce the itch.

    ACV can also help with warts and bee stings, which are ailments I’ve had to deal with in the past. I’m not going to lie, it does sting (and smell), but for me, a stinging sensation is validation that something is happening.

    ACV can treat and prevent yeast infections as well. Especially now with the summer encouraging us to stay in bathing suits longer than normal. Here’s a link with more information:

Here’s what to do:

1. Mix 1/3 ACV with 2/3 water.
2. Apply on rash.  
3. Wait and sing to distract the sting!
4. Rinse off with warm water.
5. Pat dry with clean towel

     All in all, apple cider vinegar has many benefits. However, I do know the smell can be overwhelming for some. Here’s an easy fix: mix ACV with lemon juice or honey (or Paul's suggestion: seltzer), if you’re going to drink it. Doing so makes it far easier to swallow.

Ultimately though, it comes down to a ‘Would you rather’ question: would you rather suffer with an ailment for more than a day, or drink/apply something stinky for at most 10 minutes? The decision is yours, but I can tell you, I've never doubted the powers of ACV and what it’s done for me! (It must be true because it rhymes, right?)

Monday, May 30, 2016

Sunshine on my mind (and body)

     For a long time, I didn’t appreciate my ivory skin: I felt ugly and bare, worrying I looked like a zombie with the superpower to blind people with my ultraviolet skin rays. However, I’ve since come to terms with myself and my skin.

     I’ve come to appreciate that red lipstick can pop against my skin and that my eyes seem that much more intense and darker because everywhere else isn’t.

     Once I finally came around to terms of self-acceptance, I realized there was more to it than that. I had to take care of myself. I thought back to the horrors of sunburns on half my body when I fell asleep on my side. I grimaced in memory of itchy, painful and tomato red skin.

     Vanity aside, I also realized that the sun is a powerful agent that can lead to more than an unflattering photo. According to the American Cancer Society, skin cancer is “found in about 3.3 million Americans.” According to the Society, a rough estimate of 76,389 cases of skin cancer will be found in this year alone. That’s terrifying. In order to keep the sun’s ray from stinging me too harshly, here’s what I do:

Watch what I eat
    I’ve noticed that eating too many yummy and usually greasy foods tends to make my skin break-out. In turn, when I apply sunscreen, the shine of the product is like a spotlight on my acne ridden face. It’s not attractive. It's also not healthy.

    In preparation for writing this blog, I found this article which was interesting since I’ve heard from others that certain foods can either prevent or encourage cancer.

   I think it’s important to stay as pure as possible when using products.

Screen the ingredient list of what you put on your body

     I’ve always been a little cautious when putting things either on or in my body that I can’t pronounce. I’ve also done some research and found that a lot of man-made chemicals don’t always go the same length as nature made ones do. That’s why I stick to sunblock/sunscreen that have zinc oxide in them.

     I really like using LureLux sunscreen which has vitamin D infused in it. Mind you, I’m not getting paid to put my review here, so here’s my honest opinion: 

    Ingredients according to their bottle: Zinc Oxide, fresh organic hand filtered Aloe Vera leaf, fresh spring water, vitamin D2 extracted from fresh mushrooms, grape seed oil, jojoba oil, beeswax, vegetable wax, fermented horseradish, grapefruit extract, pineapple and coconut extract (natural fragrance). For me that’s a pretty clean recipe! Also the smell is mild and I personally don’t notice it after I put it on unless I really try to sniff it out.

    Application: it goes on easy, but the white color can stain clothes, so be careful. It’s a little oily, but I have yet to find a sunscreen that isn’t. However I haven’t found that this oiliness messes with my sensitive skin.

     Price:  $27. 95 for 8 oz. is a bit expensive, I won’t lie. The way I figure, I’d much rather pay now than later. Going into debt over health is so sad, but so real. Personally, I don’t know how expensive skin cancer bills are, but I do know that a 20-minute visit to the dermatologist is over $100.

     For me using an 8 oz. bottle every day about 3 times makes the bottle last a few days past a month. I’m not using excessive amounts either, I rubbed it in, make sure I can see that I have sunscreen on and wait 2 to 3 hours until I apply again.

      I usually buy the biggest in bulk and put it in a smaller container to carry in my purse. Here’s a link:

      I’m careful not to put it on my forehead too often because on really hot days it melts and drips into my eyes. This stings my eyes and makes me replicate Dracula with red-rimmed eyes, overly pale skin, and panting from the heat. In order to not look quite so intimidating and to protect my brow and hair line, I like to:


This hat is chic and classy, and most importantly keeps my head safe from the sun.

    Keep your eyes safe, and can double as a headband and keep your forehead cool.


     In addition to keeping me warm in breezy summer nights, it also conveniently covers my shoulders and back. These places can be especially difficult to reach. But below I have a tip for when it’s just too hot to wear anything on your shoulders except spaghetti straps and of course, sunscreen!

Here’s how you can:

Reach for the stars and make them shine (with sunscreen)

     Sometimes it’s nearly impossible to reach these places on your back without the help of someone else.

     Here’s a little tip: in order to get these hard to reach places, get a small paint brush with a long handle, squirt some sunblock on, and use that to reach these spots.Brushes are also nice to use if you don’t always like putting your fingers on your face. You can clean these brushes at the end of the day, let them air dry and use them again tomorrow.

     That’s really the most important thing to remember: to use sunscreen every day. For a while, I thought this was just a gimmick. I soon came to realize it’s pretty impossible unless somehow the sun is in on the scam as well. If so, I want to invest in that company!

      I know it sounds silly to wear sunscreen in the winter, rain or even in your car, but trust me, there are still rays that can penetrate through. Here’s an image that will forever be imprinted on my brain.

     This photo taken by Jennifer Gordon/ NEJM is of a guy who was a truck driver for most of his life.  As you can see, the left side of his face exposed to the sun was aged dramatically in comparison to the right side.If that doesn’t shock you, well, maybe seeing me reflecting in the sunshine will (hopefully you’ll be wearing sunglasses so I don’t blind you!).

     I like to joke I’m so pale, I get my foundation from the moon. In actuality, sunblock is my foundation, and the truth of that is, it prevents bad skin instead of covering it up.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Turning trash into treasure one ingredient at a time

I love to eat. Sometimes I worry my love to eat overrides my love to live, and the ingredients you put into a recipe really do matter, in the short-term and long-term. Short-term, you might get a stomach-ache, gain a few pounds, have troubling thoughts of regrets. Long-term effects mean a boxed assortment and not one with chocolate. Sometimes I used these fears to tone down unhealthy eating habits and other times, I have to compromise. Here are a few ways:
Nacho Business (But Really I’ll Share)
I make ‘nacho’ jokes all the time and yes they’re typically cheesy. Cheese of course typically gets a stinky reputation: it’s too high in calories, it’s too fattening, it’s too salty. While these might be true of some cheese, it’s not true of every one. According to the USDA, one slice of low sodium mozzarella cheese has 8 grams of protein which is just as much as a two tablespoon serving of peanut butter.
So, now that you have approval to add some cheese, slather on some veggies and spices.
I love steamed broccoli on my nachos as well as raw spinach and cucumbers. Corn chips and cheese can be salty so when you add water rich vegetables, it balances out.
Spices can also perk the flavor of nachos. Cayenne has an array of benefits from helping the digestive tract, boosting one’s metabolism, and alleviating joint pain according to Dr. Edward Group’s article from
“Homemade” Lemonade
Squirting some lemon juice on apples isn’t just great for keeping them from browning.  It’s also a tangy treat because it tastes just like lemonade. And this can be even more filling than regular lemonade since apples have fiber!
Movie Theater Popcorn
You can make your popcorn “x-rated” by adding enough spice and flavor to make your mouth say wow. Pepper which is a super source of nutrition from manganese to fiber to vitamin K is really tasty on popcorn as well as a bit of olive oil and a little bit of salt. If you’re craving a more sweet popcorn, coconut oil and cinnamon are a great mixture. Cinnamon is proven to lowering blood glucose according to research nutritionist Paul Davis in an article he published in Journal of Medicinal Food.
Cinnamon and Ginger Infused Oreos
This last one is really just to make myself feel better about eating Oreos. It's very easy and you only need a few seconds. Start by splitting the Oreo open, so that the cream is on each cookie half, then you put a little bit of ginger powder spice on one side and little bit of cinnamon powder spice on the other half. Place the halves together and you’ve got Christmas in your mouth.

These altered recipes are what give me hope that delicious food isn’t all evil. A life of eating horrible tasting food just to prolong that said life, doesn’t quite sound like a pleasant way to live at all. It seems to come down to what you know, what you’ve got in the present moment, and what you’re willing to experiment with in order to create something tasty but nutritious. That’s the real secret. Taking the trash out in this sense doesn't have to mean endless sorting of what ifs, it just means being creative to encourage full flavor.